
The Ultimate Guide to Burpees: Benefits, Form, Tips, and More

How to Burpee Properly: Correct Form, Mistakes, and Variations - A Step-By-Step Guide - Boardgains


Burpees, also known as "navy seal burpees," are a full-body workout that can help you burn calories, build strength, and improve your overall fitness level. This exercise involves a series of movements that work multiple muscle groups, making it an effective way to get in shape and achieve your fitness goals. At Boardgains, we love incorporating this fun and challenging exercise into our fitness board game. In this article, we'll go over the benefits of doing burpees, the correct way to perform them, and tips to help you make the most of this powerful exercise.

How To Burpee (English): 

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms to your side. 
  2. Squat and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet.
  3. Jump back or step back until your legs are fully extended and your body is in a straight arm plank position.
  4. Do a push-up, jump forward or step your legs forward and then push through the heels to return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for desired amount of reps.

Rep Count: Each Burpee counts as 1 rep.

Modification: The first modification is extended arms without the push up or step out movement. (Watch video for modification)


What are Burpees?

Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines several movements into one. They were first developed in the 1930s by a physiologist named Royal H. Burpee. They were initially intended as a way to assess fitness, but they have since become a popular exercise in their own right. Burpees are known for their ability to increase heart rate, burn calories, and work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Proper Form

Proper form is crucial to ensure that you get the most out of your burpees while minimizing the risk of injury. Follow these steps to perform a burpee correctly:

Starting Position

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself into a squat position with your hands on the ground in front of you.
  3. Kick your feet back into a plank position while keeping your arms extended.
  4. Your body should now be in a straight line from your head to your heels.

Squat and Kickback

  1. From the plank position, jump your feet forward towards your hands.
  2. Stand up and jump as high as you can, extending your arms above your head.
  3. Land softly and return to the starting position.


  1. From the plank position, lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows.
  2. Keep your elbows close to your sides and your body in a straight line.
  3. Push back up to the plank position.

Jump and Clap

  1. Once you return to the starting position, immediately jump up as high as you can.
  2. Clap your hands above your head.
  3. Land softly and return to the starting position.

Benefits of Burpees

Burpees provide a multitude of benefits for the body, including cardiovascular health, strength building, endurance improvement, weight loss, and improved mental health.

Cardiovascular Health

Burpees are an excellent way to increase your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular health. They get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

Strength Building

Burpees work multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, glutes, and legs. By performing this exercise regularly, you can build strength and tone your muscles.

Endurance Improvement

Burpees require a significant amount of energy and can quickly exhaust you. By incorporating them into your workout routine, you can improve your endurance and increase your stamina.

Weight Loss

Burpees are a high-intensity exercise that can help you burn a significant number of calories. They are an excellent addition to a weight loss program and can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Improved Mental Health

Regular exercise, including burpees, has been shown to have positive effects on mental health. Exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve mood and cognitive function.

Variations of Burpees

There are many variations of burpees that you can incorporate into your workout routine to add variety and challenge. Here are some of the most popular variations:

Modified Burpees

If you are new to burpees or have mobility or flexibility issues, modified burpees can be a good option. This variation eliminates the push-up and jump and focuses on the squat and kickback.

Plyometric Burpees

Plyometric burpees, also known as jump burpees, involve jumping as high as you can after completing the push-up. This variation adds an explosive element to the exercise and increases the intensity.

One-Legged Burpees

One-legged burpees, also known as pistol burpees, involve performing a single-leg squat and kickback. This variation requires balance and stability and can challenge your lower body strength.

Dumbbell Burpees

Dumbbell burpees involve holding a pair of dumbbells while performing the exercise. This variation increases the resistance and challenges your upper body strength.

Burpee Box Jumps

Burpee box jumps involve performing a burpee and then jumping onto a box or step. This variation increases the intensity and challenges your leg strength and balance.

Burpee Pull-ups

Burpee pull-ups involve performing a burpee and then immediately jumping up to a pull-up bar and completing a pull-up. This variation increases the intensity and challenges your upper body strength.

How to Incorporate Burpees into Your Workout Routine

Burpees can be incorporated into a variety of workout routines, including HIIT workouts, circuit training, and CrossFit workouts. They can also be done as a standalone exercise. Here are some tips on how to incorporate burpees into your workout routine:

  1. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the number as you build strength and endurance.
  2. Incorporate variations to add variety and challenge.
  3. Combine burpees with other exercises to create a full-body workout.
  4. Perform burpees as part of a circuit training routine to increase the intensity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To get the most out of your burpees and avoid injury, it is essential to perform them correctly. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Not maintaining proper form, especially during the push-up and plank positions.
  2. Skipping the squat and jump or not jumping high enough.
  3. Not landing softly or absorbing the impact properly.
  4. Holding your breath instead of breathing deeply and rhythmically.
  5. Overdoing it and not allowing your body enough rest and recovery time.


In conclusion, burpees are an excellent total-body exercise that provides numerous benefits, including cardiovascular health, strength building, endurance improvement, weight loss, and improved mental health. Proper form is crucial to get the most out of the exercise and minimize the risk of injury. There are also many variations of burpees that you can incorporate into your workout routine to add variety and challenge. By following the tips in this ultimate guide to burpees, you can take your fitness to the next level and achieve your health and fitness goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are burpees suitable for beginners?

Yes, modified burpees are an excellent option for beginners or anyone with mobility or flexibility issues.

Can I lose weight by doing burpees?

Yes, burpees are an excellent addition to a weight loss program and can help you burn calories and achieve your weight loss goals.

How many burpees should I do in a workout?

Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the number as you build strength and endurance. You can perform multiple sets of 10-15 repetitions, or you can do them as part of a circuit training routine with other exercises.

Are burpees bad for your knees?

If performed with proper form, burpees should not be bad for your knees. However, if you have knee pain or issues, you may want to modify the exercise or consult with a doctor or physical therapist.

Can I do burpees every day?

It is not recommended to do burpees every day. Your body needs time to rest and recover between workouts to avoid injury and promote muscle growth.

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